Saturday, November 25, 2006

Organic food is better than conventional food

The organic food industry, world wide, is growing . It is considered safe, healthier and environment friendly. Many young people prefer organic food to junk food, considering the many benefits it offers.

But is it really better ? As in any subject , there are controversies. There are many, who argue that the organic food does not offer any additional benefits for the extra cost, we have to pay for organic food.

The main points of the opponents are :

1. Eating organic food increases exposure to microbiological contaminants

2. It does not taste better

3. Its health effects are not proved

4. The higher cost of organic food

The studies conducted do not indicate any evidence for microbiological contaminants. There was no "statistically different" risk in the pathogenic contamination of organic food verses its conventionally produced counterparts. The organic food must comply with the same safety , quality standards applied to conventional food. Organic products have significantly lower pesticide residues than the conventional food

Food produced by organic methods taste better and contain a better balance of vitamins and minerals. Though different studies show pro and against the above conclusions, majority of the findings agree with the above conclusions.

Choose organic food , which is produced by a more natural way. Robust health is important to live your life fully.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Robust health – A blessing

You can not appreciate shadow, until you go out in the hot sun. So is the case with good health. You can not appreciate good health , until you fall sick. Sickness is a reminder to take a look at the body, to take care of its needs. But , where is the time, to study the diet rules , how much carbohydrates to consume daily and from where to get that? Do you really have to be a nutritionist, to maintain good health?

People, who lived before us, did not have so much information. Did they not live healthy? How about the people, in the biblical periods, who reportedly lived hundreds of years. There must be something, some simpler way to good health.

For one thing, they had a less stressful life. They were not carrying a laptop , wherever they went. Their ears were not adorned with mobile phones. Yes, mobile phones definitely have improved the communication between people – between people who are far off and not between people who are sitting across the table! With the mind constantly engaged with ‘business’ and ‘targets’ , they hardly have time to see the just bloomed beautiful flowers or the beautiful paintings on the sky , created daily by the Master architect, for you. Taking the time to see and be a part of the beautiful Nature, can relax you , bring peace to your mind.

Why getting stressed and trying to manage the stress ? Not allowing yourself in stressful activities , can greatly improve your health.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Preventing Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a known health risk for women. There are many factors that can increase the risk. Some are not in your control like age, genetic make up , environmental exposures . But there are some factors, which can definitely be controlled. These factors will help to improve your overall health, in addition to lower the risk of breast cancer.

- Limiting the alcohol consumption : Better , if you can completely avoid . But if you can not, due to some reasons, then limit it to one or less drink a day. Because there is a link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer.

- Maintaining a healthy weight : Over weight or Obesity is known to increase the risk of breast cancer. Keeping your weight under control has added bonus like lowering the risk of cardio vascular diseases, diabetes and other illnesses.

- Staying active physically: Regular exercise can help you maintain your weight and thus lower the risk of breast cancer. At least 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week will do good to your body. Walking , jogging can add strength to your bones.

- Limiting fat in your diet : This is not something new . You have always heard or read about unhealthy fats , that could cause many health problems. Low fat diets are the best option , as studies suggest slight decrease in risk of breast cancer.

These factors are easily in your reach to control. Have a great health !