Monday, September 25, 2006

Weight loss planning – Why ?

Over weight did not seem to be a problem to my friend. He was young, married and blessed with two lovely children. He was dynamic and enjoyed traveling, moving around with friends, partying . He had that extra fat and it was obvious from his weight and the waistline. But all that did not make him to plan for losing that extra weight.

But soon he developed the symptoms of diabetes. He started taking treatments for diabetes. His weight also was not under control. Slowly his non planned life style caught up with him. Now , in his early fifties, he is practically immobilized, finding it difficult even to climb one floor, taking the help of the wheelchair.

This is not an isolated case. Obese and overweight are the problems staring at the children , teen and adults of both sexes, worldwide. It is possible to lose weight with

- a realistic weight loss goal

- a reduced calorie, nutritionally-balanced eating plan

- Regular physical activity and

- a sustained effort to stay on track with the goals

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