Sunday, May 06, 2007

Plan your meals for a long life

Low calorie diet can increase health and longevity. The total number of calories which are consumed, rather than the type of food which is the key to the effects of low calorie diets on the ageing process. Low calorie and a highly nutritious diet can help achieve good health.

A long life is worth having, only when you have the health and energy to live. Without sound health, life can be a torture. It is worth putting some effort to plan what you eat. But how to find the calorie values of so many different food? How to really reduce the calorie intake?

National Heart Blood and Lung Institute ( NHBLI ), under the Obesity education initiative has made available a Menu planner. This is an interactive planner, you can use to plan your meals or assess the calorie intake for every meal you have. It helps you to choose various food options for breakfast, lunch and dinner along with the calorie values for the standard servings.

Enjoy the good health !

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