Lose excess weight
Get more exercise / increase the level of physical activity
Eat a healthy diet
Stop smoking
Though these look simple, and known for ages, it is difficult to practice, because it requires a change in the behavior. But it is worth the effort, as these basic behavior changes would have a tremendous impact on the incidence of the most prevalent type of cancer- lung, breast, prostate and colon cancer, reports science daily based on the news release issued by
The statistics are alarming. Every year, more than 500,000 Americans die from cancer. The National Cancer Institute estimates that on average each person who dies from cancer loses 15 years of life, and altogether cancer deaths were responsible for nearly 8.7 million person-years of life lost in 2003, the most recent year for which the data were available.
The recommendations for preventing cancer also include avoiding excess alcohol consumption, taking a multivitamin with folate and protecting yourself from too much sun and from sexually transmitted diseases.