Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Boost your body defense

Eat lot of vegetables, both green and leafy, and fruits ! This is what many suggest. But why ? Because they are good sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants help your body from numerous infections and possibly diseases like cancer. They protect against free radicals. Free radicals are chemicals formed in the body as part of the metabolism and defense against bacteria. But factors like exposure to environmental pollution or ultraviolet light, illness and cigarette smoke can cause the body to increase the production of free radicals to a level more than required. These free radicals have been associated with aging, cancer, blood pressure, immune deficiency etc.,

Recent research suggests that dietary supplements containing such antioxidants may offer protection against certain cancer and may help in premature aging. Science daily, quoting the researchers of Penn State University, reported that the mushrooms are as good a source of antioxidants as vegetables. The commonly consumed Button mushrooms rank with carrots, green beans, red peppers and broccoli as good sources of dietary antioxidants.

Epidemiological studies have shown that those who eat the most fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants have lower incidence of diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's and atherosclerosis.

“O.K . What if I do not enjoy eating the vegetables ? Can I still get the benefits of antioxidants “ , you may wonder . Yes ! There is an option . And an easier option. This nutritional supplement with many other vital ingredients are available for consumption in liquid form for easier consumption and absorption in to the body system.

Enjoy the healthy life

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