Saturday, November 25, 2006

Organic food is better than conventional food

The organic food industry, world wide, is growing . It is considered safe, healthier and environment friendly. Many young people prefer organic food to junk food, considering the many benefits it offers.

But is it really better ? As in any subject , there are controversies. There are many, who argue that the organic food does not offer any additional benefits for the extra cost, we have to pay for organic food.

The main points of the opponents are :

1. Eating organic food increases exposure to microbiological contaminants

2. It does not taste better

3. Its health effects are not proved

4. The higher cost of organic food

The studies conducted do not indicate any evidence for microbiological contaminants. There was no "statistically different" risk in the pathogenic contamination of organic food verses its conventionally produced counterparts. The organic food must comply with the same safety , quality standards applied to conventional food. Organic products have significantly lower pesticide residues than the conventional food

Food produced by organic methods taste better and contain a better balance of vitamins and minerals. Though different studies show pro and against the above conclusions, majority of the findings agree with the above conclusions.

Choose organic food , which is produced by a more natural way. Robust health is important to live your life fully.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Robust health – A blessing

You can not appreciate shadow, until you go out in the hot sun. So is the case with good health. You can not appreciate good health , until you fall sick. Sickness is a reminder to take a look at the body, to take care of its needs. But , where is the time, to study the diet rules , how much carbohydrates to consume daily and from where to get that? Do you really have to be a nutritionist, to maintain good health?

People, who lived before us, did not have so much information. Did they not live healthy? How about the people, in the biblical periods, who reportedly lived hundreds of years. There must be something, some simpler way to good health.

For one thing, they had a less stressful life. They were not carrying a laptop , wherever they went. Their ears were not adorned with mobile phones. Yes, mobile phones definitely have improved the communication between people – between people who are far off and not between people who are sitting across the table! With the mind constantly engaged with ‘business’ and ‘targets’ , they hardly have time to see the just bloomed beautiful flowers or the beautiful paintings on the sky , created daily by the Master architect, for you. Taking the time to see and be a part of the beautiful Nature, can relax you , bring peace to your mind.

Why getting stressed and trying to manage the stress ? Not allowing yourself in stressful activities , can greatly improve your health.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Preventing Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a known health risk for women. There are many factors that can increase the risk. Some are not in your control like age, genetic make up , environmental exposures . But there are some factors, which can definitely be controlled. These factors will help to improve your overall health, in addition to lower the risk of breast cancer.

- Limiting the alcohol consumption : Better , if you can completely avoid . But if you can not, due to some reasons, then limit it to one or less drink a day. Because there is a link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer.

- Maintaining a healthy weight : Over weight or Obesity is known to increase the risk of breast cancer. Keeping your weight under control has added bonus like lowering the risk of cardio vascular diseases, diabetes and other illnesses.

- Staying active physically: Regular exercise can help you maintain your weight and thus lower the risk of breast cancer. At least 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week will do good to your body. Walking , jogging can add strength to your bones.

- Limiting fat in your diet : This is not something new . You have always heard or read about unhealthy fats , that could cause many health problems. Low fat diets are the best option , as studies suggest slight decrease in risk of breast cancer.

These factors are easily in your reach to control. Have a great health !

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Lose weight safely

Losing weight reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and many other illnesses. But how to lose weight ? Here are some basic guidelines to lose weight safely, according to the US department of health and human services :

Exercise for about thirty minutes, most days of the week. This will help burn more calories. If you use up the day’s calories and some from that stored in the fat, you will lose some of that extra pound.

Eat less fat and sugar. Fried foods, tempting fatty deserts and similar high calorie foods can add your calories, without providing the required nutrients.

Eat a wide variety of foods. The wide variety of foods are available, not just for satisfying your taste buds, but for charging your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Be careful of weight loss programs, whose promises are too good to be true.

Before embarking on a weight loss program, ask your doctor to help you set realistic goals for safe weight loss.

To keep you informed of all the happenings in this area, Subscribe to magazine .

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Weight loss program - Why you need ?

Many studies have been undertaken, to study the effects of obesity on health. The conclusions of these studies are almost on the same lines. Obesity and overweight affect the general health , in many different ways.

A recent study, undertaken by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health , has found the strong association between obesity and smoking to erectile dysfunction, reports Science daily news. Both smoking and obesity were associated with a higher risk of the development of Erectile dysfunction ( ED ). ( Obesity was defined as a body mass index of more than 30. The body mass index is weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in
meters ). Regular physical activity appeared to have a significant impact on lowering the risk of ED.

Such studies would not have meant anything to me, when I was young. The young tend to think that the youth , energy, vitality are for ever. But it is not ! Your parents will vouch for it. Many diseases , which are supposed to be ‘old age disease ’ , strike the young now. Even the children are not exception , as the obesity in children has become a major concern worldwide . So act today, before it catches up with you.

Choose some weight loss programs , that is best for you.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Weight loss - Do you need ?

The health problems posed by obesity and over weight conditions are well known. Apart from the various health problems, over weight restricts the physical activity and your very mobility.

But what is over weight ? Is it a comparison between persons ? If you compare yourself with a well shaped and maintained model or an actor, you may look over weight. How to know ? There are well established ways.

There are three factors, to assess your risk, according to the National heart , Lung and blood Institute.

1. Body mass Index : It is a reliable indicator of total body fat , which is related to the risk of disease and death. The score is valid for both men and women, but with limitations for athletes and older persons. Calculate your BMI, to check your condition.

2. Waist Circumference : Measure your waist circumference with a measuring tape. . This risk increases with a waist measurement of over 40 inches in men and over 35 inches in women

3. Additional risk factors : High blood pressure (hypertension), high LDL-cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) , low HDL-cholesterol ("good" cholesterol), high triglycerides, high blood glucose (sugar) , family history of premature heart disease, physical inactivity , cigarette smoking

After going through these steps, if you find yourself in the overweight or obese category, you need to plan for weight loss program , weight loss supplements , after consulting your doctor.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Weight loss Resources

Many Researchers have linked Overweight and obesity to many health problems like cardiovascular problems , premature death, breast cancer, infertility and complication in pregnancy. Governments and healthcare providers are concerned about this growing menace and initiated steps to control weight.

In addition to preventing the diseases, keeping the weight under control helps to have more flexibility and really live the life, to enjoy every moment. Ultimately, it is you who has to commit yourself to control your weight. Resources are available to guide through the steps involved in achieving this.

It is possible to manage your weight by following a suitable weight loss program, maintaining a good eating habit , nutritional supplements if required. But advice from your doctor is better, before getting into any program,. There is no universal solution that suits everyone.


Physical Activity and Weight Control

Finding a Weight Loss Program that Works for You | PDF

Monday, September 25, 2006

Weight loss planning – Why ?

Over weight did not seem to be a problem to my friend. He was young, married and blessed with two lovely children. He was dynamic and enjoyed traveling, moving around with friends, partying . He had that extra fat and it was obvious from his weight and the waistline. But all that did not make him to plan for losing that extra weight.

But soon he developed the symptoms of diabetes. He started taking treatments for diabetes. His weight also was not under control. Slowly his non planned life style caught up with him. Now , in his early fifties, he is practically immobilized, finding it difficult even to climb one floor, taking the help of the wheelchair.

This is not an isolated case. Obese and overweight are the problems staring at the children , teen and adults of both sexes, worldwide. It is possible to lose weight with

- a realistic weight loss goal

- a reduced calorie, nutritionally-balanced eating plan

- Regular physical activity and

- a sustained effort to stay on track with the goals

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Over weight may affect the fertility in men

Over weight – you can see it manifested everywhere. From children to adults and men or women – the problem is obvious. Many healthcare officials are concerned about the growing obesity among children, especially in developed countries. A number of studies have been and are being carried out to assess the effect of overweight on the general health. The conclusion is that over weight has to be addressed , and attempt has to be made to control weight.

According to research conducted at the National Institute of Environmental health sciences, men with increased Body mass index ( BMI) were significantly more likely to be infertile than normal weight men. BMI , calculated based on one’s weight and height, is considered a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people. The data suggest that a 20 pound increase in men’s weight may increase the chance of infertility by about 10 percent.

Similarly women who are overweight or obese tend to have a more difficult time becoming pregnant.

So why carry around that excess weight? Try weight loss product!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Weight loss and long life – Choice is YOURS

Over weight – it is not a problem of the adult anymore. Teens and even children in many countries are facing this problem. Recently , I saw in the television , various exercise programs to reduce the weight of the children in China. Whether the life style, eating habits, junk food is the culprit, for this phenomenon, the fact is over weight causes problems.

A new study, from the Harvard school of Public Health , reports that being overweight at the age of 18 is associated with an increased risk of premature death in younger and middle-aged women. Past studies have also shown that overweight children and adolescents have higher risks of cardiovascular problems and chronic diseases.

Health care professionals and Governments world over are concerned about the overweight problem , especially that of the children and teens. You and I have to take some action to make our lives and that of our dear ones, more enjoyable and meaningful.

Regular exercise , good eating habits and weight loss supplements if needed are few precautionary measures , you can take to keep the weight under control.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Had a date with Dentist ?

I don’t enjoy visiting the dentist, ever since removing my tooth . But it happened again. This time , I narrowly escaped from losing a couple of my teeth. The dentist advised to have a ‘ root canal treatment’. That sounded good , till I opened my mouth. After the usual local anesthesia , I was lying on the dentist chair, while the dentist attended other patient. The dentist came, after some time, sat by my head with the array of tools Then started the treatment. I felt as if he was drilling in to my tooth. The next fifteen to twenty minutes saw him with all sorts of tools rubbing and cleaning. I thought it was all over. But not yet, declared the dentist. I had to go three more times for more of cleaning and dressing.

Perhaps I could have avoided this . As with many, I had my own reasons for not brushing regularly twice a day and flossing. I was surprised to read recently , that I was not alone.

Researchers found that tongue and tooth brushing in combination with dental flossing significantly decreased gingival bleeding by 38 percent after a two-week oral hygiene program. According to a new study published in the Journal of Periodontology, these are two tasks that should not be omitted from the daily hygiene routine.

So why take a risk !

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Overweight can complicate pregnancy

Overweight and obesity have long been known to complicate pregnancy. Both overweight and obesity increase the chances for such serious and potentially life-threatening complications of pregnancy. According to a study at the University of North Carolina and the national Institute of child health, pregnant women who are overweight or obese progress through labor more slowly than do normal weight women.

The researchers found that, for both overweight and obese women, the active duration of labor took longer than it did for normal weight women. In the current study, researchers analyzed pregnancy and birth records from 612 North Carolina women who gave birth to their first child. The researchers undertook the study to determine why obese and overweight women are more likely to have a caesarean section.

The Researcher cautioned women about beginning a weight loss program without medical advice. Many fad diets might result in some weight loss, but at the expense of good nutrition. So it is important to consult a physician, before beginning a weight loss program.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Lose weight and lower the risk of breast cancer

Keeping the weight under control enhances your beauty. It gives you all the mobility and freedom to engage in all the activities that you enjoy.

According to a study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association , gaining 22 pounds increased a woman’s risk of breast cancer by 18 percent. Women who lost the same amount lowered their risk by 57 percent. But age was still the main risk factor for developing the disease, concluded the study. The study tracked 87000 women between the ages of 30 and 55 for 26 years, and monitored how their weight changed after the age of 18, and from menopause onward.

It pays to lose weight !.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Boost your body defense

Eat lot of vegetables, both green and leafy, and fruits ! This is what many suggest. But why ? Because they are good sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants help your body from numerous infections and possibly diseases like cancer. They protect against free radicals. Free radicals are chemicals formed in the body as part of the metabolism and defense against bacteria. But factors like exposure to environmental pollution or ultraviolet light, illness and cigarette smoke can cause the body to increase the production of free radicals to a level more than required. These free radicals have been associated with aging, cancer, blood pressure, immune deficiency etc.,

Recent research suggests that dietary supplements containing such antioxidants may offer protection against certain cancer and may help in premature aging. Science daily, quoting the researchers of Penn State University, reported that the mushrooms are as good a source of antioxidants as vegetables. The commonly consumed Button mushrooms rank with carrots, green beans, red peppers and broccoli as good sources of dietary antioxidants.

Epidemiological studies have shown that those who eat the most fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants have lower incidence of diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's and atherosclerosis.

“O.K . What if I do not enjoy eating the vegetables ? Can I still get the benefits of antioxidants “ , you may wonder . Yes ! There is an option . And an easier option. This nutritional supplement with many other vital ingredients are available for consumption in liquid form for easier consumption and absorption in to the body system.

Enjoy the healthy life

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Five keys to safer food

The World Health Organization had outlined five simple keys for safer food. Following these simple steps, many food borne diseases can be prevented.

1. Keep Clean
- Wash your hands before handling food and often during preparation of food
- Wash your hands after going to the toilet.
- Wash and sanitize all surfaces and equipment used for food preparation
- Protect kitchen areas and food from insects, pests and other animals.

2. Separate raw and cooked
- Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood from other food.
- Use separate equipment and utensils such as knives and cutting boards for handling
raw foods.
- Store food in containers to avoid contact between raw and prepared foods.

3. Cook thoroughly
- Cook food thoroughly, especially meat, poultry, eggs and seafood.
- Bring food like soups and stews to boiling to make sure that they have reached 70
deg C. For meat and poultry, make sure that juices are clear, not pink. Ideally, use a
- Reheat cooked food thoroughly.

4. Keep food at safe temperature
- Do not keep cooked food at room temperature for more than two hours.
- Refrigerate promptly all cooked and perishable food ( preferably below 5 deg C )
- Keep cooked food piping hot ( more than 60 deg C ) prior to serving.
- Do not store food too long even in the refrigerator.
- Do not thaw frozen food at room temperature.

5. Use safe water and raw materials
- Use safe water or treat it to make it safe.
- Select fresh and wholesome foods.
- Choose foods processed for safety, such as pasteurized milk.
- Wash fruits and vegetables , especially if eaten raw.
- Do not use food beyond its expiry date.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Organic diet reduces pesticide exposure

A recent research study indicates that organic diet is better for the infants and children, with respect to the exposure of pesticides.

Background : The National Research Council, in 1993, reported that the dietary intake represents the major source of pesticide exposure for infants and children. And this exposure may contribute to the pesticide related health risks in children compared to the adults. Many studies have been carried out , since then, to quantify the exposure to pesticides and assess the effect.

Study : A study, supported by the US Environmental Protection Agency was undertaken and published in Environmental Health Perspectives ( EHP ) in Sep 2005. 23 elementary age children volunteered for the 15 day study. Their urine samples were bio- monitored daily while they were on conventional, organic and conventional diet. The diet basically consisted of fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, wheat or corn based items.

Conclusion : There was a dramatic and immediate reduction in exposure to Organophosphorus pesticides such as malathion and chlorpyrifos. These pesticides are commonly and predominantly used in agricultural production.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Back To Nature

Health is wealth . Who doesn’t want to be healthy ? Good health allows a person to enjoy the beauty of this wonderful world and the life. Food is an important contributor to good health. After all “ you are what you eat “.

But in the modern world, with its fast paced activity, eating a balanced food many a time take backseat. You end up eating junk food for convenience or due to lack of time. It starts from skipping the breakfast, having a quick business lunch and ending up with a late night dinner. All of these not-so-good eating habits will have an effect on the body in due course if not immediately.

One possible solution is to look for health , nutritional supplement. Though many such supplements are available , it is wise to choose those which are more natural.