Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lose weight AND Maintain it !

Most successful dieters regain weight they lost . But new research shows that stepping on a scale every day, then cutting calories and boosting exercise if the numbers run too high, can significantly help dieters maintain weight loss, reports Science Daily, based on the study, conducted by researchers at The Miriam Hospital and Brown Medical School,

It is important to be watchful of your weight on a regular basis, and take corrective action to maintain the weight. Daily weighing and adjust the calorie intake or boost your activity, exercise , walking etc will help you to maintain your weight. There is no quick fix solution for maintaining the weight loss.

So take control of your weight and health.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Beware of health frauds

To decide whether a health product is authentic, check it out. "Look into it--before you put it in your body or on your skin," says Reynaldo Rodriguez, a compliance officer and health fraud coordinator for FDA's Dallas district office.

To check a product out, FDA health fraud coordinators suggest:

  • Talk to a doctor or another health professional. "If it's an unproven or little-known treatment, always get a second opinion from a medical specialist," Rodriguez says.
  • Talk to family members and friends. Legitimate medical practitioners should not discourage you from discussing medical treatments with others. Be wary of treatments offered by people who tell you to avoid talking to others because "it's a secret treatment or cure."
  • Check with the Better Business Bureau or local attorneys generals' offices to see whether other consumers have lodged complaints about the product or the product's marketer.
  • Check with the appropriate health professional group--for example, the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, or the National Arthritis Foundation if the products are promoted for heart disease, diabetes or arthritis. Many of these groups have local chapters that can provide you with various resource materials about your disease.
  • Contact the FDA office closest to you. Look for the number and address in the blue pages of the phone book under U.S. Government, Health and Human Services, or go to on the FDA Website.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Regular exercise helps teens

Regular exercise can help obese children to reduce and even reverse their risk of developing cardio vascular disease, including hardening of the arteries, reported science daily, quoting the research conducted at the University of Rostock in Germany. Compared with normal children, the obese youths also already were showing signs of early hardening of the arteries as well as thickening of the arterial lining where atherosclerosis originates. The researchers found that the youths who were exercising regularly had significantly improved the flexibility of their arteries, allowing the arteries to carry more oxygen-rich blood to the body when needed.

According to the World Health Organization, childhood obesity already is "epidemic in some areas and on the rise in others." Worldwide, an estimated 22 million children under age 5 are overweight. In some countries, including the United States, more than 30 percent of all children are considered obese. So it is important that the young ones include exercise in their daily activity.

Perseverance in exercise and checking the weight regularly can help keeping you fit. Also enjoy the activities like cycling, swimming and games that can burn your excess fat.